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Gryphon Guild: The Mission
Excerpt from the official Gryphon's Guild records. Logged as seen by resident Eclipse the Gryphon, mate to Admin Illucian, seraph ludrakoni.
"Counting on the meteorological genius of Arkhris-Omega and the talents of our resident weather mages, I believe that it is safe to say the words that all Guilders have been waiting for, ever since this Cataclysm rained its terror upon us all: It is over!
"The celebrations are still going on (and I believe they will continue on into tomorrow, and perhaps the day after that; notice we are an enthusiastic bunch?) all around me. You see, this very morning, Rescue One coasted in, after two weeks in the field. They look quite happy and healthy, if not a bit wiser about the eyes; I suspect we all are. Tragedy often brings out the best in some people. Not long after One's arrival, Rescues Two and Three followed, each bearing news as well as wiser eyes and a few more scars. I must remember to ask Talen where he got that unsightly bruise on his tailbone -- there must be a heroic story tied in with that war wound! Anyway, as soon as it was made known that our illustrious leader would survive the first night, this party was immediately put into planning. Yes, Tserisa is alive, after a week of being trapped under fallen rubble. Our velvetwyrm still has miles to go in the way of recovery; she is quite thin and malnourished, as well as suffering from the aftereffects of internal poisoning. Tathramakan, Aurora's Guardian, and her partner Aeris Windchaser told me that there wasn't that much room in the hall where she'd been discovered. Not only that, but most of her body had been holding it up! Once she had been removed -- after several grueling hours -- the entire hall collapsed behind her.
"Tser sits not far from me, swathed in bandages and hooked up to a contraption Arkhris calls an 'IV', which is supposed to replenish lost body fluids. Whatever it is, Tser is all the better for it: her eyes are bright and her ears are swiveling all around her; her speech, while still harsh, is full of emotion. Next to me is my lovely angel, Illucian; to my right is my good friend and soul brother Muse Flurrith and his beautiful Vahazayi Phoenix mate, Ythé "Crystal" Shekeira-Flurrith. They seem to be indulging themselves quite a bit, for if I'm correct, that rosy hue about Muse's nares is not from blushing! (I think he's quite past that stage, personally.) Ah, well, can't blame either of them a night of wine; compared to most of the Guild, these two have been the backbone of these operations: Muse heading the excavation adventure and Crystal doing double -- sometimes triple -- duty in triage and other things. I've quite lost count. Speaking of Muse, he and his elven partner Aryante (who, at this moment, is singing a very loud, off-key and off-color song paying tribute to our own Glacial scout's plastered nature), and their capable crew of Calypte Gunner and the changeling chaos dragoness Diana, have been credited with more than a dozen live rescues, including that of Kaal'tarn Saamyara. And if names are to be mentioned for courage, that should go to Tath and Aeris, for not only unearthing Tserisa, but the green gryphoness Likeshine.
"Honors should also go out to the culinary talents of Tagia and Nightsinger, for without them, our excavation crews wouldn't have been so eager, nor so able, to do the splendid work that they have. I have heard nothing but rave reviews for this pair and Tserisa is considering naming the Guild's head cooks! Tagia nearly laughed herself into a coma from lack of air. And we can't forget my stalwart sister, Acyd Arcoiris. 'Cyd doesn't get the credit she deserves, for without her organizational skills, repair work on the mountain could not be so far along. I've personally seen the piles of paperwork on her desk and frankly, I wouldn't see anyone else at the head of operations other than 'cyd. Her negotiations with the Elven Nations have produced more workers to our cause, as well as building supplies and much-needed tools. Small wonder she's cutting the rug so enthusiastically now! ... Oh, my! That was a spin and a half!
"You'll be happy to know that those of the Weather Watch -- Aurora Starwing, Ursula Aurelia, Felio Ital, Keo Falconswing and Darkflame Lupinus -- have all sufficiently recovered as well. It was quite a touch-and-go moment for a while, the healers said. So much energy, both physical and soul, had been expended fighting that monster of a storm. And so they hold the place of honor at the high table here with us and the other Admin. Ah, me, so much to tell and such a wonderful celebration to experience! Illucian is eying me as I write, so I must wrap up this for the night.
"To Rescue One: Hosea Kittomer, Fareme Foxwing, Talen EmeraldBlaze, Syris, LunaFlare.
"To Rescue Two: Nauta and Khirsah Sinneau, Luna Star, Aakora, Blaze.
"To Rescue Three: Stormy Pillowgryph, SilverMoon Nyghtwing, Tagar and Nambroth, Tephroliah Desepchine, Almalthia na'Viren k'Rashna.
"These people embody the key qualities that makes one a Guilder -- honesty, courage, an open mind, strong will . . . I could go on, but as I said, Illucian is trying to take m--
"~ ~~ >>. [[ ***
" -- my pen. Please excuse the messy parchment.
"We have lost good friends to this disaster. Their bodies laid to rest with reverence here at the Guild or sent back to their families. Bodies of the clan dragons and gryphons who fell to casualties have been honored in the same way. They are here with us this night as well.
"And now, my friends, I think I will take my lady's hand instead of this quill pen and join those on the dance floor. Looks like Muse and Crystal have already gone before us -- my word, my golden sister should be very proud of how flexible her mate is showing himself to be! I should like to try that dance move myself!
"Clear skies and following winds ~"
"Hehehehe. Me'sa just wanted to add a few things to Lips' account. One: that my lovely Phoenix-sis is dead drunk; two: my partner isn't that far from a stupor as well. Three, you should never leave your things unattended while this elf is around.
"I think this needs to be beautified."
^^ =) :P =^.^=
"Ah, this isn't as much fun as me thought. Methinks me'sa well tip my glass to my drunken family and go catch the eye of a pretty lady."
© 2002 Crystal Shekeira. All Guilders are copyright themselves; the Gryphon's Guild is trademarked to Tserisa Supalla. All other names, places and events are copyright to MH. Do not copy, alter or distribute